The JSONexusSync Python client library provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with JSONexusSync remote database system using WebSockets.
You can install the JSONexusSync Python client library using pip:
pip install jsonexussync-client
Here's an example of how to use the JSONexusSync-client library:
import asyncio
import json
from jsonexussync_client import JSONexusSyncClient
async def main():
config = {
"server_uri": "ws://localhost:8765"
client = JSONexusSyncClient(config)
# Insert a new item into the 'users' collection
await client.insert_data('users', {'name': 'Charlie', 'age': 35, 'email': ''})
# Find users with a specific query
result = await client.find_data('users', {'age': {'_op': '$eq', '_value': 35}})
# Delete users with a specific query
await client.delete_data('users', {'name': {'_op': '$eq', '_value': "Melissa Villarreal"}})
# Update users with a specific query
result = await client.update_data('users', {"age": {'_op': '$eq', '_value': 23}}, {"job": "Ethical Hacker"})
# Creating a new database
result = await client.create_db('my_app')
# Generate an API key
result = await client.generate_api_key('admin', 'my_app')
# Gell all Databases Name
result = await client.get_dbs()
result = await client.create_collection("students")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The JSONexusSync Python client library simplifies interaction with JSONexusSync remote database system, allowing developers to easily integrate real-time data synchronization into their Python applications.